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Liposuction in St. Louis, MO

Unwanted fat pockets can develop at any age. And while fat is not always bad, considering the fact that feminine-looking curves depend on the presence of fat, this excess rarely shows in the areas you want it to.

Liposuction, or surgical fat reduction, is performed to reduce unwanted fat cells from nearly anywhere in your body. This fat can either be discarded or used to enhance areas that need additional volume.

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Brian Porshinsky performs liposuction of the neck, arms, chest, abdomen, back and thighs in St. Louis, Missouri.

What Is Lipo 360?

Liposuction is a fat reduction procedure that uses a medical suction device to remove unwanted fat cells, successfully reducing pockets of diet and exercise-resistant fat across the body.

Many patients choose the Lipo 360 to address the abdomen and back problem areas. With Lipo 360, Dr. Porshinsky targets the circumference of your midsection, including the abdomen, waist, flanks, and back. This technique is often a precursor to Brazilian Butt Lift surgery, where the removed fat cells are injected into the buttocks and surrounding areas for more shapely and desirable curves.

Liposuction 360, with or without buttock enhancement, helps to create and define the ideal hourglass silhouette.

Why Should I Choose Dr. Porshinsky for My Liposuction?

Dr. Brian Porshinsky is a board-certified plastic surgeon with over a decade of liposuction experience. He spent 2022 in Miami learning the latest liposuction techniques. He takes pride in his liposuction results removing as much fat as safely possible from your problem areas.

Dr. Porshinsky and his team at Aria Cosmetic Surgery offer a collection of body contouring and breast procedures and prioritize patient safety and satisfaction.

Are you ready for your Liposuction?

Call us at (314) 649-5419 or contact us below.

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What Are the Benefits of Liposuction?

Women and men choose liposuction to reduce stubborn pockets of diet and exercise-resistant fat. More patients are requesting the lipo 360 which removes fat from the abdomen, waist, flanks, and back.

Patients can benefit even more by undergoing lipo 360.

With lipo 360, patients can:

  • Trim the circumference of their body, including the abdomen, waist, and lower back
  • Use this fat to augment the buttocks with a Brazilian Butt Lift
  • Sculpt a desirable hourglass shape
  • Permanently reduce the number of fat cells in your body
  • Feel more comfortable in clothes
  • Increase your confidence

Am I a Candidate for Liposuction?

No matter how healthy you eat or how much you work out, it is very common to develop pockets of stubborn, unwanted fat. Liposuction can successfully target these trouble spots, leaving you with a smoother, better-contoured physique.

While liposuction should not be used in place of diet and exercise, patients may lose up to 11 pounds of fat with the procedure. Candidates should be in good overall health, not smoke, and have realistic expectations for their results.

How Is Liposuction Performed?

Liposuction is a minimally invasive outpatient procedure usually performed under general anesthesia or sedation for safety and comfort. Dr. Porshinsky also performs awake liposuction but this may affect how aggressive the fat reduction can be due to patient tolerance.

During this procedure, Dr. Porshinsky will make 5 mm incisions near the treatment sites that are just large enough to insert a cannula. A cannula is a thin, hollow tube attached to a medical vacuum that suctions out unwanted fat once the cells have been loosened.

Using Liposuctioned Fat for a Brazilian Butt Lift

The Brazilian Butt Lift is quickly gaining popularity. This cosmetic procedure increases the volume and improves the shape of flat or undefined buttocks by injecting your own fat.

To perform a Brazilian Butt Lift, Dr. Porshinsky first performs lipo 360 to remove the necessary fat and sculpt the waistline. The strongest, healthiest fat cells are separated and then injected into the buttocks, hips, and lateral thighs to add significant volume while creating the desirable shape.

How Long Is Liposuction Recovery?

You can expect swelling, bruising, and some soreness following liposuction. Over-the-counter or prescribed pain medication can alleviate any discomfort; however, most patients find their liposuction recovery very tolerable pain-wise.

Most patients return to their daily routines and work within one week, but strenuous exercise should be avoided for at least four to six weeks. You should start leisurely walks as soon as you can to help promote blood circulation.

When Will I See My Liposuction Results?

You will see your liposuction results immediately after your procedure; however, these will continue to improve over the following weeks to months as the swelling subsides.

While the extracted fat cells will not return, weight gain is still possible if a healthy lifestyle is not followed. Future pregnancies can also alter the quality of your results. With a stable weight, there is no limit to how long your liposuction results can last.

Want to Learn About Liposuction in St. Louis with Dr. Porshinsky?

Dr. Porshinsky offers extensive experience and skill to all his liposuction and lipo 360 patients. To learn more about fat reduction surgery, affordable pricing, and financing options, contact Aria Cosmetic Surgery by filling out our online contact form below.

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